forms-gtk-progress icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
forms-gtk-progress copied to clipboard

Xamarin.Forms GTK Backend Progress

Results 19 forms-gtk-progress issues
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Linux runs on a high diversity of devices of different form factors and possibilities. .NET MAUI will give official support to Android, iOS, macOS and Windows. The purpose of this...

help wanted

Hello, I have troubles installing on a brand new Raspbian buster Xamarin.Forms GTK. (Xamarin.Forms 4.7.0) Let's say i'm running "GameOfLife". Everything is OK on Windows (Xamarin Forms / GTK) Now...

I hope this is the correct place to report this. I'm not shure if there is something I have to do differently? Windows UWP works fine, but the GTK does...

I made a simple program displaying the current time: ``` Device.StartTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1), () => { // do something every 1 seconds Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { // interact with UI...

I get this error when trying to build the example

**Description** The event does not fire when releasing button. Subscribing to clicked does work. **Steps to Reproduce** Create a XP page with a button and subscribe to the respective event...

Images do not layout properly, using the sample movie app (direct from it renders the image in what seems to be roughly the top-left quarter of the element's layout...

Hi How do you compile the application from Visual Studio for arm platform? I can launch the compiled applications succesfully on normal linux computer but i'm having difficulties running the...

Hi, I've created a simple test project with a main page that sets a webview browser as its content. On Windows, it works perfectly fine, but on Linux, I get...

Since it was mentioned that issues with Xamarin.Forms GTK are tracked on the main Xamarin.Forms, would it be an option to first transfer existing issues and then close the issues...