forms-gtk-progress copied to clipboard
Xamarin GTK on raspberry Pi
Hi How do you compile the application from Visual Studio for arm platform? I can launch the compiled applications succesfully on normal linux computer but i'm having difficulties running the apps on Raspberry Pi with Raspbian, I get error: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
Have you installed mono on the raspberry pi?
Yes everything is installed mono-complete and gtk-sharp2, i think the problem is that it is compiled as x86 and raspberry pi required arm compilation.
I have not had to specify an architecture, with any of my Xamarin.forms PI projects during compilation. I usually see the "Exec format error" when trying to run executable directly without calling mono first, ie. mono SomeApp.exe.
I've ran it many times on my Raspberry Pi. Architecture set to AnyCpu. you can see a reference project that runs on the RPi on my CADI repo: