James Strachan

Results 134 comments of James Strachan

Here's some of the tools available: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog#modules-important-to-conventional-changelog-ecosystem

maybe there should be a standard timeout to `kubernetesApply()` where it waits for any Deployments / RC / RS resources to go ready (have a deployment.status.available > 0) within a...

`kubernetesApply()` now takes an optional [readinessTimeout](https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-pipeline-plugin/blob/master/devops-steps/src/main/java/io/fabric8/kubernetes/pipeline/devops/ApplyStep.java#L31) - we just need to find that value (maybe having a default OOTB value we set on the `fabric8-pipeline ConfigMap` or on a per...

for golang projects (gofabric8, exposecontroller, funktion etc) it'd be awesome to update the github release area with release notes too like this https://github.com/minishift/minishift/releases

this is already implemented for nodejs stuff https://github.com/fabric8-ui/fabric8-runtime-console/releases reusing the same tool between npm, java and golang might be a good thing; then they all improve together. We just may...

this issue requires #11 so that the `kubernetesApply()` waits until the deployment works so that we can then know we're ready to do the POST

actually I found a workaround by just converting the duration into a relative time from now... ```go func NewDuration(d time.Duration) component.Component { t := time.Now().Add(d * -1) return component.NewTimestamp(t) }...

Note that this PR will potentially break current code; as `GetJobConfig()` and `CreateJob()` now use `JobItem` rather than `MavenJobItem` which can hold a pointer to a `MavenJobItem` or a `PipelineJobItem`...

Thanks! There are definitely lots of errors to process right? I guess the underlying camel metrics on the flow & steps might highlight possible slow downs. A quick way to...