Tuo Chen
Tuo Chen
在你们的talk里[](https://www.techbeat.net/talk-info?id=700),07:00 展示了一张MOCO在batchsize=2048时的比较图。这张图你们是在什么seeting下做出来的?在MOCO V1的原文中,大memory bank是有性能增益的
**Describe the bug** The problem arises from the code below: @BACKBONES.register_module() class BEiT(nn.Module): """ Vision Transformer with support for patch or hybrid CNN input stage """ def __init__(self, img_size=224, patch_size=16,...
**Describe** Model I am using (UniLM, MiniLM, LayoutLM ...):
**Describe the bug** Model I am using (UniLM, MiniLM, LayoutLM ...): BEIT 2 The problem arises when using: * [-] the official example scripts: (give details below) * [ ]...
**The flowers I was waiting for have all withered.**
卡顿与zotero6上的表现类似。刚打开zotero时一切正常,使用一段时间后变得越来越卡,停用插件后瞬间变得丝滑了。 机器是m1 mac,在我的windows上没有问题。 其它issue#https://github.com/MuiseDestiny/zotero-reference/issues/163#issue-1777339514