
Results 9 issues of jsr-p

Hi Today I cloned the repository and installed the package directly instead from PyPi. After reopening nvim I noticed that nvim was very laggy in all python files. I found...


The documentation for installation using oh-my-zsh does not include a default value for the custom plugin folder. Thus, if the `$ZSH_CUSTOM` variable is not set it tries to install the...

The readme seems to be outdated on how to use v2 of the project. I have updated the readme with a guide on how to do this. I have not...

When using the package I got an `ValueError: math domain error` when creating a table for `IV2SLS` models. The reason for this is that we take the `sqrt` when computing...

This PR adds the option to get autosuggestions based on the [AutoSuggestFromHistory](https://python-prompt-toolkit.readthedocs.io/en/master/pages/reference.html#prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest.AutoSuggestFromHistory) class from `prompt_toolkit` as is also done in `IPython` [here](https://github.com/ipython/ipython/blob/a418f38c4f96de1755701041fe5d8deffbf906db/IPython/terminal/interactiveshell.py#L200). The `NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory` does not seem to work as...

This PR adds the option of having a modal cursor when using the `vi` mode. It does this by setting the `cursor` option of the `PromptSession` equal to an instance...

With the `vi` options ```python c.ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode = 'vi' c.ZMQTerminalInteractiveShell.prompt_includes_vi_mode = True ``` specified in `jupyter_console_config.py`, the terminal output, in all `vi` modes, looks like: ![2023-03-30T09:45:19,921232808+02:00](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49307119/228771903-6f0dfac5-e0c8-474b-9eea-a161260633fc.png) The reason for the error...

Hi I am developing a package where I use `.data` from `rlang` together with `dplyr`. The code snippet is ```R #' @export #' @importFrom rlang .data my_fun dplyr::mutate( x =...

Fixes #333 by checking whether we are inside the command line window before applying the `nvim_set_current_win` function. If we are inside the command line window we already know we have...