
Results 28 comments of jsr-p

Hi @th92 , can you send a screenshot of your code such that we can see where you go wrong? :)

You will have to go to ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/readme.txt and search for "TMAX" in the txt file to see how it is presented in the dataset. After that you can divide the...

hi @peterlravn , yes, you are supposed to log your data collection when using Selenium. The Connector class from the lecture will log each request that you make with Selenium...

hi everyone, it is important that you use the `get`method of the `Connector` class and _not_ the `get` method of the `webdriver.Chrome` object. Consider the Connector class from the lectures....

@jesperhauch I would scrape the data again just to practice using the `Connector` class in the correct way. But you could probably also just incorporate it into the limitations of...

hi @mortenwurd , yes :) ```python connector = Connector('log_file_refresh.csv', connector_type = "selenium", path2selenium = r"C:\Users\Joune\Desktop\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe") url_trustpilot = 'https://www.trustpilot.com/' browser = connector.browser connector.get(url_trustpilot , 'first_call') #refresh page and store meta data...

hi @mortenwurd , yes, here is a screenshot of the modified Connector class: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49307119/90954899-04bea480-e479-11ea-92b9-29f0f30a4688.png) And here is the code ready to be copied and pasted: ```python if connector_type=='selenium': assert path2selenium!='',...

Hi @Johan-Christensen, have you tried to reset the index of the final dataframe?

Either you will have to store the dataframe that you apply the reset_index() method on in the same variable to save the modified dataframe or you can use the (inplace=True)...

@Emilkj , it is hard to tell when you do not send all your code :D How is `delta_w` defined? How about `bias`? Send the code :)