Jonas Spenger
Jonas Spenger
In our original vision we outlined a Workflow to also function as a Portal Actor [1]. That is, besides being able to have Tasks as Portal Actors, it would also...
Currently we are manually updating the portalsjs runtime on the Playground. It might be a good idea to have a workflow that does this automatically. Thus, the task is to...
There should be some place for docs, where we can collect in-depth information about the project. A suggestion is to use scaladoc to generate the documentation docs. This also makes...
The logger will currently always log the same TaskId for all tasks in a workflow. The following example in the playground shows this error, in which the first and second...
There has been some work on an SQL library which is experimental work. Currently, there are multiple versions and branches, see below for some references. Context: This is a very...
The `FlowBuilder` is currently missing a method for joining two flows and splitting a flow. The split method could have a signature, implemented somewhat like this: ```scala def split[CCU](p1: PartialFunction[CU,...
I'm not an expert at license requirements, but to my knowledge we should attribute (some) third-party software libraries in the NOTICE file This is something to look into at...
All public facing API classes and methods should have doc comments. This is currently not the case, hence we have this issue. In order to solve this task, we can...
A common pattern is to have a Portal Task in a workflow that consumes nothing, and produces nothing. The Portal Task, still, is useful, as it can respond to portal...
There is a github actions workflow (`docs-versioned.yml`) already, and a corresponding repository for the versioned api docs. This should be re-activated and made public once a more stable version has...