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Lightweight, accessible and responsive lightbox.

Results 86 lity issues
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I've run into an issue with `v3.0.0-dev`, where with keyboard navigation, focus is not returned to the initial element (within an SVG) when using the escape key. the offending lines...

Move from jQuery dependencies to vanilla js:

This version does not require jQuery anymore. For more info, see notes in [README](

When `Link` is fired, var matches in lity.js is filled as ``` matches[0]: matches[1]: matches[2]: undefined matches[3]: undefined matches[4]: WJ88GhJJI3Q matches[5]: ?start=4394 ``` and then, lity builds a...

Hi there, unfortunately, I can't manage to edit the size of the lightbox. So if the page or pdf or any other embeded content is larger then a certain size,...

I'm using this module to open my resume PDF in window. So clicking on a link ... `resume` it opens the window. But the download button isn't downloading the PDF....

Hi, For some reason, Lity has stopped working with YouTube videos. Ex: We have experienced this issue across different university sites. Not sure if the issue is related to...

I use private videos and use this compornent 28 Sep 2021 customer said "NO VIDEOS!" vimeo output iframe code were changed ad get parameter h (hash??) I tryed add h...

Using a simple link setup like this to play a local video: `Local Video` Where/how can I add a parameter to loop playback of the video? Thanks in advance for...