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Spatial and Geographic Data with PostGIS and Doctrine.

Results 8 doctrine-postgis issues
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As suspected the issue in #62 was due to using the deprecated `customSchemaOptions` property. Btw this package works with PostgreSQL 15 as well, I've just noticed I've been using it...

Hello i'm currently trying to run the PHPUnit Tests locally and followed the instructions. First thing i figured, the docs do not state, that you need to install composer dependencies...

Hi, seems like this bundle has various doctrine deprecations: ``` 1x: Accessing Doctrine\Common\Lexer\Token properties via ArrayAccess is deprecated, use the value, type or position property instead (Token.php:68 called by ST_DWithin.php:37,...

Hi there, I started getting this error when I run `bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff` even though I haven't made any changes to the entity and table that are causing this issue. ```...

From DBAL 3.2 the events systems is (mostly?) deprecated in favour of middleware, and custom schema manager + factory combination. The main purpose of this PR is to migrate as...

I have an existing entity with a property using you customType and I have to add some fields in it. The entity uses the following type and options `type: PostGISType::GEOGRAPHY,...

This PR aims to introduce testing for newer PostGIS versions. One of the problems to solve was consistent, future-proof(-ish), testing across 5 different versions of PostGIS, as a test expectation...