Jason TIAN
Jason TIAN
I think this is also a good option for the users that use `evil-tabs`. Like, '2gt' should go to the 2nd tab, while the number on that tab would show...
The same happened if the buffer is reverted.
> 人生第一次Github發issue 好緊張! 这里 https://web.archive.org/web/20130821065055/http://www.mastermindcn.com/2012/02/org_mode_quite_a_life/
Same issue here. If set `org-roam-directory` in init.el then restart Emacs, the org-roam-ui is back in normal status with the correct node's text.
> Same issue here. > > If set `org-roam-directory` in init.el then restart Emacs, the org-roam-ui is back in normal status with the correct node's text. UPDATE: I think I...
Hello @redguardtoo! Thanks so much for your reply! Sorry if any confusion! When I say `straight.el`, I mean the package manager https://github.com/radian-software/straight.el If any other information needed from my side,...
> Hi all. You might be interested to know that I've managed to get Cryptomator to run from a memory stick using the .jar file and Portable Apps' jPortable. I'd...
Encountered the same issue once I enabled the line numbers as shown below, ```lisp (global-display-line-numbers-mode 1) ``` PS, no issue if I enable the line numbers with, ```lisp (global-linum-mode t)...