Joseph Silvestre
Joseph Silvestre
Hello and thank you for this tool! That'd be really nice if it could take the sourcesContent from the input source maps and concatenate them into the output source map!...
As reported on the forum, the youtube import does not work anymore.
It cannot be done, and is requested by a user. See
When you create a new account with your bank on an existing bank access, the account is not added to the account list.
Some accounts are not supported by weboob, the library cozy-pfm uses to retrieve the data. There's nothing wrong with that but cozy-pfm should handle those edge case in a nicer...
There are multiple bugs related to recurring events. I gathered them here so it's easier to track. - the date of an occurrence of the serie is wrong ( -...
An user suggested that an user could change the current month with the mouse wheel. There would be a debounce to prevent moving to multiple months forward with one mouse...
From > I miss a day display. It would be nice to have calendar showing what we have day by day (24h). And, for purist who likes details, if...
# Steps to reproduce - get a malformed .ics file ``` BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Cozy Cloud//NONSGML Cozy Agenda//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:26cfcfa5074253c3e71f8e39d90b3284 DTSTAMP:20160404T214147Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20160503T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20160503T220000 CREATED:20160404T214103Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160404T214147Z SUMMARY:random summary END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR ``` -...
When a calendar is hidden, its state in the menu is that its bullet point background is transparent. This state could be improved with other visual indicators (e.g. opacity on...