Jason Allen

Results 6 comments of Jason Allen

As listed on https://www.polymer-project.org/3.0/docs/about_30#trying-3.0, you can use any of the following: [StackBlitz](https://stackblitz.com/edit/polymer-element-example?file=index.js) [Glitch](https://glitch.com/edit/#!/polymer-element-example?path=index.html) [JSBin](https://jsbin.com/wuxejiz/edit?html,output) [CodePen](https://codepen.io/kevinpschaaf/pen/BxdErp?editors=1000)

String or Object would probably be the best 2 choices depending on how you want to use it.

Are there any performance benefits to using: ``` this.dispatchEvent(new Event('my-event')); ``` VS ``` this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('my-event')); ``` when not passing data through `detail`?

Related: Polymer/polymer#4632

What is the current recommendation to get demo's working for NPM elements? Either temporarily or permanently?

Agreed, I did this in PSK 1, but using a slightly hacky method since without using a `setTimeout` call in the page.js `page` callback it would change the title before...