Backspace doesn't seem to work in the console and I usually don't want to exit from the script. What do I do if I make a typo and want to...
I may be wrong, but it appears that modsecurity is blocking access (rule 990011 in my case) to limesurvey remotecontrol on my survey because the httr call is not providing...
I can get a session key and lsGetSummary works without a problem, showing 8 completed responses. However, lsGetResponses(surveyID, completionStatus = 'complete') or just lsGetResponses(surveyID) give the following error: Error in...
I have the following code: ``` library(officer) library(devEMF) library(R.devices) mydoc % body_add_img(src = "figures/example.emf", width = 7, height = 8) %>% print(target = "Output/emf_test.docx") ``` It gives me this output:...
I would like to have a banner that is not as tall, while keeping multi-line text centered vertically. What is the best way to manage this? Thanks in advance.