James Shvarts
James Shvarts
Does your AndroidManifest.xml contain something like this (with diff packages, of course): ``` ``` I don't have any meta-data tags in my manifest file. What do you use them for?
Hi @GEllickson, I have not investigated it further.
Such a great episode as well as this discussion! Thanks all.
Hey @Glurt. You say that the change occurs as a result of something other than user interaction yet the UI is observing the result of that change? Then why not...
Can you point me to some other redux implementations on Android that do something similar? We have not had the need to do this but PRs are welcome
So looks like we have a good solution here. Treat background/external changes as `Action`s just like we treat user-initiated events as `Action`s. After all the `Action` is just a simple...
Interesting idea @Glurt. Will try it out
If Presenter is the only thing you inject into your View, you can have the Component expose it so you can inject the Presenter itself in `createPresenter()`. override fun createPresenter()...
If you look at my example above, you will see that my Presenter gets instantiated by Dagger and it takes parameters via constructor injection.
I believe all you need to do is to have this done: @Override public LandingPagePresenter createPresenter() { return ((MyApplication) getApplicationContext()).getAppComponent().landingPagePresenter(); } Do not have any Dagger code in the `onCreate()`...