
Results 14 comments of jshafer817

Windows 7 SP1 X64 is the platform. It does this if a client has never connected. I have a winforms app that disables and enables the socket server with buttons,...

"wrap the Websocket object in another object that is allocated only once".. Do you have an example you are willing to share? Thanks for the clues.

Working on this now.

Have you asked njz3? He did a lot of work on force feedback that I never added because mainly my repository is as close as possible to the original vjoy......

Sweet, don't want to buy a new signing certificate and go through all that again, but I will if needed. 2.2.1 has some newer force feedback features.. Hmmm

@MichalBerner https://github.com/jshafer817/vJoy/releases/tag/v2.1.9.1 That is signed for Windows 10, but people say it works with Windows 11. Not sure about @njz3 status is on his version as his supports more force...

@MichalBerner I was going to renew my signing cert, I even paid the money. But then they wanted me to "revalidate" which requires letters from an attorney or etc. It...

A lot of the issue is signing the program again. I don't have to resign my fork, but the njz3 version needs to be signed, although disabling driver enforcement should...

I tried compiling my fork with Visual Studio 2022 and the latest WDK and SDK and.... no dice... same error as you. On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 3:39 PM...

Code signing cert is still valid, but we need a lot more info here. What build of Windows 10? 32bit or 64bit? So far I haven't ran into this... weird.