Juerg Schwizer
Juerg Schwizer
@StephenLPeters Many thanks for the good news! Not sure if I will spend here the effort of creating my own control as there are currently other places that also need...
Hi @jeromebjerome, For my C++ WinUI Application Packaging Project I use the following fragments in the *.wapproj XML ``` PreserveNewest Always ``` The wildcards do not work well with sources...
After the drag & drop issues seem to be fixed in App SDK v1.2.0-preview1 I now see colorpicker triggered crashes as described in this ticket. This is a regression of...
@codendone The issue is still visible with App SDK 1.2.221116.1.
The official WinUI 3 Gallery (Version: hangs when the Colopicker Tab is opened and the app is closed. Using other tabs doesn't show this behavior. The WinUI 3 Gallery...
@codendone Can you confirm on your platform the shift of the drop zone? For me, the crash was not triggered immediately for this reduced setup. I had to start the...
The crash signature looks like the one reported in https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/7007. However, on my WinRT C++ based application, I never saw it on WinUI 1.0.2 and 1.0.3. It was triggered quite...
Both reported issues (crash and offset) are still visible in WinUI 1.1.0-preview3 (https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/7061).
Just tested it with WinUI 1.1.0. As @ShashankNay already mentioned the issue is still there. Without a working drag & drop, we can not update our application to the WinUI...
@marb2000 I've tested both my full app and the drag & drop demo application as attached to this ticket for version 1.1.1. Both still show the WinRT error message 'Reentrancy...