James Scholes
James Scholes
I never did get around to it, and it was long enough ago that I've forgotten what did need cleaning up. It was my first shot at writing C++, so...
I managed to resolve this by calling the [MoveFocus](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/reference/win32/icorewebview2controller?view=webview2-1.0.1108.44#movefocus) method of `ICoreWebView2Controller`. But not sure if: 1. the library should make an assumption that focus should land on the browser...
Also, an additional note: while I can get focus to reliably move into the browser when the window is initially created, I can't get it to stay there. If I...
@jchv Thanks, this certainly fixes the case of not being able to Tab/Shift+Tab into the webview once created. But it is still desirable to: 1. automatically place focus inside the...
@jchv Thanks, sounds good.
Update (from the same conversation): looks like the `role` and `tabindex` attributes are dynamically added by the `clipboard-copy` component, so that might be a bit tricky. You could temporarily get...
CC @sinabahram who might find this interesting.
@theinterned The `kbd` element doesn't currently have any impact on screen readers. Although, even if it did, my recommendation of `role="application"` would override those semantics anyway. If you want to...
@RFischer-FS Thanks so much for the quick response! As you've observed, some performance problems may currently result in slow page loads on the ARIA-AT website, including some cases whereby the...
@RFischer-FS Page load time should now be much improved. Please let us know if you continue to face problems.