Jakob Schlyter
Jakob Schlyter
On 2 nov 2011, at 15:02, Anton Berezin wrote: > On Wed, Nov 02, 2011 at 06:59:24AM -0700, Jakob Schlyter wrote: > > > It seems that if you specify...
https://github.com/kirei/smallstep-ca-hsm now contains Dockerfiles for CGO containers for Fedora, Debian and Alpine. Feel free to use any of these as input to this issue.
Perhaps it should also warn if all name servers are in a single IPv4 /24 or IPv6 /48.
Is setting `uuidRepresentation` via `MongoClient `, either via kwargs or via URI, also supported?
> My bad. I was so sure that the `iss` claim was mandatory that I didn't even bother to check the spec. @jschlyter Has it really been optional from the...
@SchulzeStTSI Given that you only have a single trusted list, what would you use the `iss` claim for? The Country of the certificate (and issuing organization) is always present in...
The reason for having the `iss` claim is that there was a requirement to select different trusted list and validation rules based on issuing country. The real identity of the...
See also https://github.com/ehn-dcc-development/python-hcert for a ready to use library. Not yet on PyPi, but I'm happy to publish it if requested.
> Sorry for the delay in responding to this. This is a valuable addition but it will need test coverage if you want it to move further. Please add a...
ping @bagerard