
Results 8 issues of jsbyysheng

1. add examples for package enumitem. 2. add package tabularx and examples for adjustable-width columns.

两个小建议: 1. 增加 `\usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem}` 宏包,扩展对列表的编号方式的自定义。 2. 增加 `\usepackage{tabularx}` 宏包,对于表格内容过长的,实现自动换行。在proposal里对未来工作的计划安排通常是通过表格的方式展示,工作内容部分一般都会超过`\textwidth`。 我可以编写相应的example并提交pr。

PyPDF2似乎有bug,[样本(度盘)](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1d8h8VounqrF34pHDUnamyg)及提取码: qvbm

This pr will fix the f-string bug for `TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting` and deprecation warning for `The 'warn' method is deprecated, use 'warning' instead`. I will...

The latest numpy has deprecated `np.int`: ``` AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'int'. `np.int` was a deprecated alias for the builtin `int`. To avoid this error in existing code,...

Fix errors for multimachine communications: `paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: key cannot be used for signing` or `No existing session` . The latest `paramiko` change `allow_agent` to `True` as default, which will break the...

The docker image `gezp/ubuntu-desktop:22.04-cu12.x.x` cannot be connected by nomachine. However, `gezp/ubuntu-desktop:20.04-cu11.x.x` works well. The host machine is `ubuntu 20.04` with `nvidia driver` correctly installed and the nomachine client is installed...

Storing optimization result (with or without history) persistently is very significant for experiments and analysis. However, I cannot find a proper interface in `pymoo` to do this job currently. Here,...