`update ignore join` is sub `update join` If not support `update ignore`, please judge the sql, execute plain sql executor.
seata mysql8,test库中的test1,test2两张表执行如下语句无法回滚。 ``` update test1, test2 set test1.name = '1', test2.name2 = '2xxxxx' where test2.name = '2xx' CREATE TABLE `test1` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,...
come on PR
场景:通过数据库来保存附件。 Scenes:Save attachments through database. 更新语句时,前置镜像 + 后置镜像 > 64MB before image + after image > 64MB, when update
hi, please input jdk version and more detail logs.
OK, if the server list is empty, it will fail fast.
Can be use github actions build MacOS asset?
the macos asset can be use? @nshmyrev
``` broker setup copy an runbroker.sh,runserver.sh -v ./data/broker/bin/runbroker.sh:/home/rocketmq/rocketmq-${ROCKETMQ_VERSION}/bin/runbroker.sh -v ./data/broker/bin/runserver.sh:/home/rocketmq/rocketmq-${ROCKETMQ_VERSION}/bin/runserver.sh ```
``` function updateLyric(lyric) { var index = window.ap.list.index; window.ap.lrc.parsed[index] = window.ap.lrc.parse(lyric); var html = ''; for (var idx in window.ap.lrc.parsed[index]) { var value = window.ap.lrc.parsed[index][idx]; if (idx == 0) {...