
Results 7 comments of jsbrittain

Hi - I've been looking into this issue today and a major (but apparently not the only) problem appears to have been caused by a failure to release both the...

@martinjrobins @tinosulzer - yes, as you say this is not the only issue... The other issue arising from @huegi's minimal sample comes from the solver (as was originally identified), due...

Summary point 3 (above) is also likely to be resolvable by forwarding `solution.last_state` as the `starting_solution` (instead of the full solution profile); however, this would first require resolution of oustanding...

@agriyakhetarpal Hi - I don't have a solution, but wanted to add the following observations. I've managed to recreate the issue described above, and in addition tried to run a...

@agriyakhetarpal Installing PyBaMM 23.1 on Windows produces the (now resolved) `DeSerialization of ProtoFunction failed. Object written in version 2 but can only read in version 1.` bug, but by also...

> From what you said, can we assume that we have a temporary workaround for this issue, i.e., "Moving the dll into the current working directory" which should make the...

@agriyakhetarpal I'm not confident that I know where the fault is. There does seem to be an inconsistency in naming with casadi on Windows. When downloading and building using cmake...