
Results 8 comments of jrz

My usecase is that I have a pretty 'loose' decoration map, and re-use images by rotating and scaling.

Yeah, +1 for me.. Would be great to have an excel export where every selected table is a sheet. Preferrably with quickfilters already set up, and the proper datatype for...

The route shouldn't be exposing either one.. @knagode did you manage?

Ah looking for the same thing! Full screen ads which I can show between levels

15346 says the "true" solution is add folder names to the index. This is pure nonsense. It should be possible to add the metadata_never_index, OR to set a file attribute....

I see the "terminal here" command when I added my own execution_units. If I don't have any files open (just folders), selecting terminality will immediatly open a shell, but it's...

Never mind.. tagging has uses too.

I don't know, I've used rmlint a number times, but I simply forgot to add the option flags. Maybe adding an option such as '--prefer-tagged' makes sense to make things...