Jürgen Ryannel
Jürgen Ryannel
MacOS supports universal binaries. These are binraries which have the amd64 and arm64 target in one binary. How would this be supported by this library. I saw there is some...
This should lead to an effort to harmonise QML APIs over time
- in domain language service and event is still used.
A quick-start section should lead the user how to use an existing code generator and an advanced quickstart how to write a custom code generator. There should also be some...
The current values are a string passed onto the parser. Ideally the text should be more structured. Something like a single-line YAML document. ``` int a = 0 bool b...
An operation paraterm shall be able to be optional. This would lead in a C++ generator to an overloaded operation. ``` void add(int a, optional b); ``` This feature shall...
Sometimes it is required to for example test a module with 500 enums with each 500 values so that your generator can validate if your implementation is performant. For this...
The builtin qtcpp generator should have a possibility to create a QPM package and upload it, or at least it should make it easy to create a package. https://github.com/Cutehacks/qpm
It shall be possible to define default values for properties, struct members, enums, flags. E.g. ```js int value(10); ``` or using decorators ```js @default(10) int value; ```