
Results 6 issues of jry2

MDE is touching https://cdn.mathjax.org/ and http://markdownedit.com domains for MathJax.js and mathjax-scripts.js on every start. Would it be possible to put these libraries to distribution as local files? From https://docs.mathjax.org/en/v2.5-latest/configuration.html it...

on hold

I have `delme` directory containing file `config.toml`. Directory should be (and is) deleted during clean because it exists only on remote. But I get following error because `config.toml` was already...

I'm testing vinyl-ftp v0.6.0 on Windows 7 and node v7.2.0. Following code doesn't work at all: ``` gulp.task('ftp-clean', function () { var conn = ftp.create(ftpOptions); return conn.clean('./**', 'public', {base:'.'}); });...

help wanted

From documentation: `conn.clean( globs, local[, options] ) STREAM` In reality options is not optional, for call `conn.clean('./**', 'public')` you will receive error: `Error: base must be a non-empty string, or...

help wanted

I tried SSE2 version of `nsvg__scanlineSolid()` with `NSVG_PAINT_COLOR` code path converted. Benchmark on my i5 661 @ 3.5GHz, Windows 7 x64, Visual Studio 2015 RC, x86 release target. Rendering Ghostscript_Tiger.svg,...

We would like to code-sign caxa produced executable with `"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.16299.0\x64\signtool.exe" sign /f "xxxxxx.pfx" /fd sha1 /tr http://timestamp.digicert.com/sha1/timestamp /td sha1 /p xxxxxxx /v %*` unfortunately we are receiving...