There are ways to use nested launch files that could be useful - e.g., "perception" could have different launch configurations and the main launch file just picks from these options....
Possible obsolete nodes: - routing_listener - route_manager Check relevance of gnss_averaging_node - carla dependence needs to be removed. We're not currently using this, but could be useful? go back and...
- this node fast-forwards past grids based on the transform difference at the time points. There could be some minor issues still with that. It also uses a method that...
- Currently the grid_summation_node subscribes to the /planning/route topic and constructs a grid that highlights the route as low-cost. This should get pulled out of the grid_summation_node and into a...
We need a node to process sensing data (image and maybe lidar?) to produce individual lanes. - Ideally these lanes would be annotated with lanes going in the same direction...
The new NVIDIA Orin needs to be set up and configured to aggregate images & depth images from the four ZED cameras. Stereolabs (ZED) has a ROS SDK for doing...