Jeff Roberts
Jeff Roberts
I changed the base image in main.go and am trying to bake a container with ES 5.3.1 and am getting errors around peer discovery. Looking at your Dockerfile for ES,...
Well, I think I've resolved my issue. I was using his elasticsearch.yml with your controller so I it was looking for the fabric8 plugin. I'll continue to test and report.
sorry, my mistake. It wasn't your config, but the config I had was using the fabric8 plugin
When using a context with a namespace that is not `default`, pod completion is for default namespace
@cgilling - I agree that when working outside of the default context, some of the features provided by kube-prompt break. ex. ">>> -n myNamespace get po" Normally cube-prompt would allow...
I found that the shasum was not correct after I downloaded via Safari (OSX was trying to un-compress after download and had errors). I got the firmware installed by pulling...