@EnginYilmaz same thing, just use the code from yonahforst and do `urlToBlob(myURL)` instead of `fetch(myURL)`
Did you manage to solve this? I'm also looking in manipulating styles to get simple line-breaks to render correctly but no dice (yet).
@Friis1978 and others, just follow the manual steps to link the `react-native-background-fetch` library here: https://github.com/transistorsoft/react-native-background-fetch/blob/master/docs/INSTALL-MANUAL-IOS.md In my experience `react-native link` doesn't do a complete job 99% of the time.
@Friis1978 for iOS you can only do that if you set the background mode to listen for location updates, audio, ble etc, see the possible background modes here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/core_app/managing_your_app_s_life_cycle/preparing_your_app_to_run_in_the_background/about_the_background_execution_sequence#overview For...
@Friis1978 unfortunately not, background fetch is only for what it says, networking in the background with a minimum of 15 min. You’d have to roll your own native module I’m...