Josh Montague
Josh Montague
As of v0.11 it looks like statsmodels has [new `STL` functionality]( Even more reason to try their version!
Thanks for the report @seckindinc. I did a bit of commit spelunking and it seems like that util function was removed from the library. For a workaround until a better...
Hi @tcabo, I think you'll need to specify an earlier version of statsmodels, not stldecompose
Re-opening as reference as described [here](
@rahulsharma1208 As is described just above your comment and in other issues, I would advise you to consider the newly added STL functionality in the statsmodels library. This library was...
Ah, I see this is happening in many of the notebooks. Based on the existence of the `Series.resample()` method [in the docs](, I wonder if this might have to do...
Oh ok. Yeah, if this is really a Binder-related issue, then feel free to close out this Issue. Thanks for the quick response!
Adding to this list of examples. Following a conversation with @fionapigott today, I think it will be valuable to make a space for a thorough, guided tour for the user...
This is a good question and line of thought. At the highest level I think all of these things you've shared have a reasonable place in this library. They're all...
Hi @AoifeMarieDoherty 👋 I don't have any plans to update this code. Based on the traceback you've included, it looks to me like you may have taken some of the...