137 means operating system killed process because the system ran out of memory (see [OOM manager](https://www.kernel.org/doc/gorman/html/understand/understand016.html)). Can you allocate more RAM to your server or allocate more swap?
Any updates to this issue? I am unable to install libtorrent on my system due to this. ``` pip3 install libtorrent ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the...
> domain: 'localhost:4000', You need to change this to your domain. Otherwise, the cookie will not be set and naturally it will seem like no session was created.
> failed to reconnect after 30 attempts with interval 1000 ms This is because the connection between MongoDB and your app has been lost. Perhaps the server went down or...
I think you need `proxy_pass;` not `proxy_pass;`. I believe right now it is proxying the request to Umami saying "Hey Umami, what's at /analytics/?" and Umami has no...