Jake Hemstad

Results 205 comments of Jake Hemstad

> I wish I could decrease the RMM pool currently in use on the fly using the Python API. One very expensive way you can accomplish this is to spill...

> Does this just go back to PyTorch using their own memory manager? If so, I recall we raised issue ( [pytorch/pytorch#43144](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/43144) ) to discuss getting them to accept external...

The gbench compare script had the ability to do a [U Test](https://github.com/google/benchmark/blob/main/docs/tools.md#u-test) between two samples to determine if there was a statistically significant difference between the populations. Do we have...

After an exhaustive search, all of the solutions I could muster either require C++20 or a Boost dependency: https://godbolt.org/z/4qYThGseo https://godbolt.org/z/vea6oKGWh (though if we have C++20, then there's no need for...

> NVBench is meant to benchmark single kernels Just to qualify this statement a bit, NVBench works just fine with generic functions/applications that may contain many kernel calls. ``` void...

> nvbench can be so powerful in helping that environment if it could individually output kernel metrics. I don't disagree. Like I said above, I wished for exactly the same...

Huh, I actually wasn't aware of the CUPTI range profiling APIs (I don't think they existed last time I looked at CUPTI :wink:). At first glance, this appears to do...

> @jrhemstad @robertmaynard How important is this to RAPIDS? What's the earliest CTK you support? We require 11.5 at build time, but only 11.0 at runtime (via enhanced compat).

Using Catch2 for inspiration again, they have a notion of ["hidden" tests](https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/blob/devel/docs/command-line.md#specifying-which-tests-to-run=) that will be skipped by default, but can be executed by explicitly specifying the test name or the...

I had to solve the same problem with using GBench a long time ago. I found that when defining a custom `main`, GBench has a `::benchmark::Initialize(arg,argv)` function that will strip...