Jake Hemstad

Results 205 comments of Jake Hemstad

In thinking about how to make this same algorithm work for a _multi_map, I think something like @allisonvacanti's idea to return an iterator to the last probe key that was...

> However, the same key-value pair should not be inserted twice right? I am seeing the same key-value pair is inserted twice and they are the only entries in the...

> we would want all 512 items to be inserted in the map Are all 512 keys unique or not?

It sounds like you want to treat the entire key/value pair as if it were the key. In other words, it sounds like you want a `set` instead of a...

Hm, I'm confused. If you want to store multiple values associated with the same key, then you'd want a multi map. But you also to want to avoid inserting identical...

> What we have is a pair of join key and row ID of the table. Join key does not guaranteed to be unique. Row ID is guaranteed to be...

1. Check out @sleeepyjack 's paper on cooperative insertion/probing: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.07914.pdf 2. `row_hash` is the hash value of the row. The strategy I described is necessary to support a join criteria...

Is this coordinated with prior work being done here? https://github.com/rapidsai/libgdf/pull/156

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