Junior Garcia

Results 79 comments of Junior Garcia

Hey @TroyTae sorry, could you please fix the conflicts?

Hey @TroyTae thank you!, I forgot to mention to you that for it to work we have to modify the `transformCode` function https://github.com/nextui-org/nextui/blob/main/apps/docs/src/components/playground/utils.ts#L9-L42 which is a mini transpiler that I...

Hey @TechnologicNick thanks for reporting it, we will migrate the current `Tooltip` behaviour to https://react-spectrum.adobe.com/react-aria/useTooltipTrigger.html which provides better accessibility and focus management, stay tuned

Hi guys, could you please try again? 🙌🏻

It was a cache issue in the docs app deployment, It was not a Dropdown issue 👍🏻

Hey @cdfornari the screenshots are not visible, could you please upload them again?

Thanks!, here's an example with a workaround -> https://codesandbox.io/s/custom-styled-card-c8uoeq?file=/App.js It looks like Stitches is not preserving the object attributes 🤔 I'll look into it, thanks for reporting it 🙌🏻

Hey guys, we are doing our best to fix this as soon as possible, thanks for the patience 🙏🏻

Hey guys 🙌🏼, could you try this again using the latest version (v10) and react 17?

Hey @imchell 👋🏼, thanks for reporting it!