José Fonseca

Results 215 comments of José Fonseca

This is likely related to #55, but perhaps there's more going on as I think that issue was fixed, and the versions/symptoms reported above don't line up exactly. An easy...

Thanks for those experiments. We no longer use libbfd. We use [libdwarf]( instead. But I agree with your assessment -- the problem is not using symbols. Looking at the changes...

I see. If the remaining C::B issue is specific to multiple threads, then this is a known limitation, as mentioned on That said, nothing changed in this respect since...

So it seems the issue is more subtle than any reasons advanced so far. Ideally I'd reproduce the issue myself with C::B and investigate the issue. I tried to download...

@asmwarrior, apologies for the silence. I'm currently abroad and have no spare time. Thanks for the further investigation and updates. At a glance, it makes sense. I thought I had...

That's reasonable. If you want to propose a patch, you can look at as reference.

I don't object, but I don't have the time nor a setup I could test. I'd happily accept PRs.

I don't have the ARM64 expertise neither. From Googling around it does seem that ARM64 also has the concept of frame pointer, so it shouldn't be too difficult to hook...

Cool. Either StackWalk64 is not returning, or perhaps it's the symbol walking / resolution is failing. You'll need to add a few printfs to narrow the issue down. If the...