The shiny app just use the standard plp plots, so if this is to be changed it needs to be edited in these plots.
Hard to figure out with the current log but possibly a do.call with an incorrect function. What type of model were you using to make the prediction (e.g., logistic regression,...
Hi Ron, That error seems to suggest for some reason there is a large number somewhere (either in the database or being created). What features are you extracting? My guess...
It looks like the model fits but there are multiple issues during the evaluation. I've seen the issue before when the evaluation is trying to evaluate something (i.e., net benefit)...
Did the missing covariate have means and standard deviation values in the covariate summary object? What I suspect is happening is that a redundant age covariate is being dropped during...
The thing that is bothering me a little with the results is why both male and female seem to be in the model (these are often the only options in...
hmm - that is odd. Do you know how large the values are you getting are (i.e., could they be rounding errors causing it to be a little bit over...
Yeah - that requires applying the feature engineering during the covariate summary. I skipped it due to time it takes to run, but thanks to Egill edits to use arrow...
What features were you using? The data shouldn't have NA values
Interesting - I'll test removing entries with a 0 value to prevent this as the sparse matrix defaults to a value of 0.