
Results 9 issues of jrbray1

both when you omit --xmlrevisions and use --curronly it still wants mwclient python2 ./dumpgenerator.py --api=http://wiki.johnbray.org.uk/api.php --xml --curonly Please install the mwclient module if you want to use --xmlrevisions. ... )...

I was hoping to do a backup of a wiki with content, Category and Template namespaces only, to reduce size, and select the namespaces by keyword, something like dumpgenerator.py --api=https://hornblower.fandom.com/api.php...

Using https://github.com/koniu/recoll-webui/archive/master.zip installed to /var/www/html/recoll-webui-master/ and with apache2.conf with WSGIDaemonProcess recoll user=john group=john threads=5 display-name=%{GROUP} python-path=/var/www/html/recoll-webui-master WSGIScriptAlias /recoll /var/www/html/recoll-webui-master/webui-wsgi.py WSGIProcessGroup recoll Require all granted I found I had to change...

My bench total dropped by 10 last night, I think because benches I had in Greenwich Park are being replaced/updated with ones submitted by endim8. I don't have a problem...

When I go out benching, I don't want to use the full web-gui on my phone, but would like to see what benches have already been recorded. Would it be...

I am using the Tabs extension, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Tabs, with a Leaflet map on one of the later tabs. When I load the page, the map starts to render, but then the...

**DynamicPageList3 version**: 3.4.6 **MediaWiki version**: 1.35.8 **PHP version**: 7.4.3 ``` {{#dpl: | debug=1 | linksto={{PAGENAME}} | ordermethod=title | redirects=exclude | suppresserrors=true | namespace= }} ``` shows results sorted by page...


Lots of benches round Krakow, with QR codes to find out more about the authors featured. Rather than have a clumsy set of information, I think its best to just...

Mint MATE 1.24 pip show kitchen Name: kitchen Version: 1.2.6 Summary: Kitchen contains a cornucopia of useful code Home-page: https://fedorahosted.org/kitchen Author: Toshio Kuratomi, Seth Vidal, others Author-email: [email protected] License: LGPLv2+...