Zé Brasil
Zé Brasil
Hi, I want to install the Alfresco Community 6.2.2 version on ubuntu linux. The alfinstall.sh shell script is configured for version 6.1.1 https://github.com/loftuxab/alfresco-ubuntu-install Does anyone have the script updated to...
I installed Alfresco PDF Toolkit Alfresco version: 6.1.1 I downloaded the amp from https://github.com/ntmcminn/alfresco-pdf-toolkit/releases However, error is occurring. View the log catalina.out 2020-01-17 10: 52: 01,074 ERROR [scripts.forms.FormUIGet] [http-nio-8080-exec-1] org.alfresco.repo.forms.FormException:...
Hey guys, It is not generating the ocr within the Alfresco platform. See the logs below: tail -f /opt/alfresco/tomcat/logs/catalina.out command: /opt/alfresco/scripts/ocrmypdf.sh --verbose 1 --force-ocr -l por+eng /opt/alfresco/tomcat/temp/Alfresco/OCRTransformWorker_source_5414022605894367601.pdf /opt/alfresco/tomcat/temp/Alfresco/OCRTransformWorker_source_5414022605894367601_ocr.pdf succeeded: false...
A previously-installed module 'simple-ocr-repo' (version 2.3.1) is not present in your distribution.
Hi, the simple-ocr module is not loading in Alfresco. The files are in the folders below: /opt/alfresco/modules/share/simple-ocr-share-2.3.1.jar /opt/alfresco/modules/platform/simple-ocr-repo-2.3.1.jar However, the error below occurs. See the catalina.out log root @ processoverde:...
Hey guys! The OCR menu is not showing. The files are in the respective folders: /opt/alfresco/modules/share simple-ocr-share-2.3.1.jar /opt/alfresco/modules/platform simple-ocr-repo-2.3.1.jar What to do to get the OCR? Thank you.
Hello, Tesseract and ocrmypdf are consuming a lot of processing and RAM in Alfresco. Can you tell me, if there is any configuration I need to do? Alfresco version: 6.1.1...
Hey guys! We installed alfresco-esign-cert in Alfresco - version 6.1 However, the digital signature is in Spanish. We compiled via maven, changing it to Brazilian Portuguese. However, it is still...
Hi, I installed alfresco-esign-cert in version 6.1.1 of Alfresco. The installation was successful! However, when signing the PDF it does not open. I changed in the alfresco.conf.ssl file the add_header...