Results 15 issues of JRK

I followed the example and I got this : https://puu.sh/qaxut/98de9b9ccd.png Do you have an idea of what is the cause ? Thanks !

### You want to: * [x] report a _bug_ * [ ] request a _feature_ ### Current behaviour I can't connect via socket io to my server, it times out....

- Add search trait for Lead Resource - Add PATCH handler for HTTP Client - Fix lead update by using PATCH instead of PUT

Hello Is it possible for you to accepted this PR ? I think "multiAddOrUpdate" is interesting. @LeeChSien can you write a small doc in README.md please? Thanks !

It would be awesome to extend this mechanism through internet. Using P2P or a self-hosted server. Just a suggestion ;) I know it's called "scp" but I suggest something simpler...

Related with https://github.com/snipsco/snips-nlu/issues/864