Jameson Quave
Jameson Quave
I've been able to get this up and running: [caffe2 on iOS tutorial](http://jamesonquave.com/blog/caffe2-on-ios-deep-learning-tutorial/).
@RobertBiehl can you post what you did to get the models working?
I've since been able to successfully run squeezenet and identify objects in images on my iPhone 7. Updated the [Caffe2 iOS tutorial](http://jamesonquave.com/blog/caffe2-on-ios-deep-learning-tutorial/) to reflect that.
@ankghost0912 no Mach-O error. What's the error? Also are you building to device? You need to modify platform in order to build a simulator library.
@RobertBiehl thanks for that. I thought it was RGB, but this OpenCV line converts to whatever color space and drops the alpha channel like you mention. It's not necessary to...
We are also facing this issue, also using the copy framework script.
Here is the relevant code. I'm not 100% on this python syntax... But it seems like it's sticking -100 for the labels of the tokenized prompt for the entirety of...
Definitelly will add handlebars support, care to implement it?
@irustm Are you interested?