Jan Wagner

Results 3 issues of Jan Wagner

Hi, scipy provides only the [ARGUS function](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.argus.html#scipy.stats.argus). In ROOT is instead some function implemented called ARGUSBG, see [here](https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classRooArgusBG.html). If I see it correctly this relates to what Wikipedia calls a...

The section https://lhcb.github.io/starterkit-lessons/first-analysis-steps/davinci-grid.html is not up-to-date anymore. I expect this can be fixed following https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/LHCb/FAQ/GangaLHCbFAQ#How_do_I_run_old_Gaudi_appli_AN1 This could may be added to #308.