Jérôme Prinet

Results 15 issues of Jérôme Prinet

# Description Improve Gradle build speed by mainly focussing on up-to-date checks and task caching # Solution Using Gradle Enterprise to identify room for improvements # Tests nightly and regression...

## What happened? using _Gradle 7.2_ and _com.palantir.consistent-versions 2.0.0_ when running `checkUnusedConstraints` task, I'm getting: Resolution of the configuration _MY_PROJECT_ was attempted from a context different than the project context....

The Gradle [configuration cache](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/configuration_cache.html) can't be enabled when using `org.unbroken-dome.xjc` Gradle plugin. Quoting from the doc: > Gradle model types (e.g. Gradle, Settings, Project, SourceSet, Configuration etc…​) are usually used...

### Issue The Gradle `JavaCompile` task is leveraging the worker API and as such has `~/.gradle/workers` as working directory. It means that in the task context a relative path can't...

### Expected Behavior when applying `gradle-xjc-plugin` in your build, you should receive an error when feeding the configuration cache due to a reference to the Configuration object: https://github.com/unbroken-dome/gradle-xjc-plugin/blob/82c1d69e0de91d11a61ae6153f89491adafa3a84/src/main/kotlin/org/unbrokendome/gradle/plugins/xjc/XjcGenerate.kt#L114 1. Feed...


### Issue A Github workflow triggered upon PR submission (ie. with `pull_request` event trigger) [does not have access to the repository secrets](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/security-guides/using-secrets-in-github-actions#using-secrets-in-a-workflow). This can be an issue if an authentication...


This change allows to use the action with non `pull_request` / `pull_request_target` event trigger (ie. `workflow_run`) fixes #141