Julian Popescu

Results 6 comments of Julian Popescu

I forgot to add the obvious `solhint` as well which splits up rules into "Security", "Best Practices", "Style Guide" and "Miscellaneous" [found here](https://github.com/protofire/solhint/blob/master/docs/rules.md). It seems to me by briefly looking...

I started compiling a list of possible rule sets to implement here https://www.notion.so/3f9a35e6262746c18dd263fa01ddf0bd?v=ce13246b8bf545abb8e1886d14ebeff2 and I think it would be super simple with just the AST to implement the solhint rules...

Hi @montyly! I think @gakonst would be the best at answering this question, as my opinion here does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the project. That being said, I...

> Ah snap! There was no error compiling the test kernel or running it, but the numbers don't check out. Please report your browser (+ version) and hardware configuration to...

hey! can you all attach the versions of rustc and cargo you're using? also I updated the README. Maybe using `cargo install --locked --path .` may help

also `olidity-shell is very cool. I looked at some of the internals, and I like their way of doing things. I'll have to implement some of it here for sure...