Jonathan Pober
Jonathan Pober
There appear to be two links out there: - The one in our README: - One from Daniya, which appears more recent: There is no definitive answer which...
I'm not sure the noise interpolation code in py21cmsense is valid. The noise curves are referenced to specific binning in k, i.e., the points are bin centers. So really, to...
I've become aware of a bug in the calculation of "coherent" observation time for a drift scan observation. It should be the time it takes for the field of view...
The current behavior of select is to get either a baseline or it's conjugate if it exists in the data. For example, if you ask for (67, 68) and (68,...
apply_beam in interpolates the beam for every antenna in every baseline. In principle, we only need to interpolate the beam once per unique beam and find a way to...
Ian needs a time that sets the orientation of the uv plane/orthoslant (much debate about the exact nature of this parameter transpired at UCLA)
If you load a UVData object, run select on it to eliminate some baselines, and then create a yaml file, all the baselines still get simulated. One solution would be...