Jonathan Pober
Jonathan Pober
We might already have this. pyradiosky has a more detailed issue for analytically calculated coherencies, but if this is simply a question of testing our visibility calculation against a known...
pyuvsim needs a better test. It doesn't really check the answers, just that the functionality is useable.
Specifically, we should attach to a specific number of versions that we'll wait to remove code.
@aelanman maybe this is something you can spend a little time on this week? In particular, we want a memo(-ish document) using words and a bit of math to describe...
We need to take a look and see if the sigma (as it is currently used in its to-be-deprecated state) defines achromatic beams in the clearest way.
@bhazelton I think this is just hanging around for future use? Or do you have near term plans for it?
This code is used by tests in pyradiosky. In test_skymodel and is called analytic_beam_jones(). Could be useful as an analytic beam option in pyuvsim.
@steven-murray Anything still planned here?
We should run something big to see if there are noticeable differences in performance with this branch.
@kbharatgehlot Can you add some info from your slides and/or the results of your upcoming MWA Phase I obsid sim?