John McBride

Results 104 comments of John McBride

+1 - I get these errors frequently via `golangci-lint`: ``` wizard/model.go:41:7: hugeParam: m is heavy (96 bytes); consider passing it by pointer (gocritic) func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd { ^...

Makes sense! Makes sense!! 👍🏼

Let's do this soon! Fall is quickly approaching, I'll start going through anything that should make it in this release - thanks fall, as always, for your patience!

Any reason for splitting this up into multiple PRs? _Generally,_ I think i'd prefer to tackle in as few PRs as possible. But if it makes sense to do multiple,...

> You can manually trigger workflow runs. To trigger specific workflows in a repository, use the workflow_dispatch event. I'm not sure why we need this? Why would a maintainer need...

I'd like to take a look at this and quickly compare some diffs of docs generated via `v2` and `v3` - but we should be able to get this in...

We'll let this sit for a bit and get community feedback. If all are good with this, I'll update the labels and projects to reflect this proposed state 👀 cc...

Yeah, the `lifecycle/` labels are where I struggled the most writing this. I think your analysis is correct. But that also almost makes me think we don't need those proposal...

Hi @ekamwctx - the purpose of the size labelers is to give maintainers and collaborators an idea how how "big" a change might be. Quickly being able to evaluate that...

Hmmmmm anyone out in the community have an easy way to test this on Windows? I'm without my windows box at the moment.