Obrigado @guino. Actually that is a device only sold in China which I bought a couple of years ago produced by Xingtel. I can open it to check the...
Hi @guino. I'm actually in Portugal 😉 and I'm Portuguese. Anyway I did not try absolutely any procedure. That's way I was asking if you if following #11 is harmless...
Hi. Actually after my last request and further investigation you can in fact have long term stats for wall box. First add this to customize.yaml sensor.wallbox_portal_added_energy: device_class: energy state_class: measurement...
Right. But I checked and did not find any endpoint to change the AV Sync Adjustment unless I'm checking it the wrong way
Any idea how can I find a list of available commands using getSystemSettings?
Thanks for the tip. I have a OLED65CX5LB so it should work. I just don't know how to set the avSync via Home Assistant service: webostv.command. Any guidelines would be...
thanks. I was already using it but wanted some custom queries using sql