Jason Peak
Jason Peak
> I'll see if we can remove it. @AaronAtDuo any movement? I see that back in June (before this report), there was an unrelated deprecation fix (dea8d14e4b9becb9139c341b367ec8d3ab03c954) in the same...
indeed, we will give it a whirl in the am; thx Mark Sent from my iPhone On Jul 19, 2017, at 6:24 PM, Mark Jordan wrote: @mjordan commented on this...
Mark, Your end-of-day hack works just fine in our scenario. I'm curious though about the cross-platform issues you mention with `preg_replace` vs `str_replace`: I'd always thought that `str_replace` was just...
Hi Mark, We've definitely been busy - I'm sorry to say that I'd forgotten all about this! Definitely no problem to link to the collections. We are still working on...
@mjordan I replied via email, but since it hasn't shown up here after an hour, I'm gonna paste my reply below... --- Mark, I'm sorry I haven't written sooner to...
@mjordan I added a comment about the wiki here https://github.com/MarcusBarnes/mik/issues/354