Joel Duckworth

Results 21 comments of Joel Duckworth

Also with CSS columns... See here UPDATE: I got it mostly working with using the cdkDropListGroup. However there is still something a little buggy with it. Interestingly its...

@AElmoznino that is the correct solution to restore the previous behaviour. However there may be multiple `"optimization": true` statements in your angular.json that you need to update. E.g. multiple configs...

Hi @pacocom, it looks like the same problem. Maybe you need to apply the fix to other config areas of you angular config. Look for other `"optimization"` settings in your...

@rickz21 try putting the optimizations in the build > options portion of the JSON e.g. ``` ... "architect": { "build": { "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser", "options": { "outputPath": "dist", "index": "src/index.html", "main":...

Hey @rickz21 the style tag on the body isn't related to this issue. This one is about angular automatically inlining critical css. It sounds like your styles on the body...

@ZenwalkerD check your angular.json, your settings for dev/staging will have a different optimization setting than prod. That's my guess :)

Unfortunately not :( Please let me know if you have any breakthrough

We have to leave the target to es5 and then import as follows ``` import { Edge, Network, Node, Options } from 'vis-network/peer'; ``` compiles. However when we set...

I don’t think it would be Angular specific, yes the target in tsconfig "target": "es5", "module": "es2020", "lib": [ "es2018", "dom" ],

I'm experiencing this error, but only in subsequent job executions, the first time I run the job even with 100,000s of files in the processing folder (CloudFront logs) it will...