John Passaro
John Passaro
Similar problem escaping "!" in make arguments. Discovered via ack.vim but reproducible with vim-dispatch alone. Using ack in command line: $ ack 'foo (?!==)=' content.txt:1:1:foo = bar In vim: :let...
> Regarding re-use of forward references: not in my use cases, I exclusively use them to have a more compact - and easier to understand - structure. Seconded!
you could do `yss]ysa]]`, which surrounds the line with brackets then surrounds those brackets with another pair of brackets. You could probably write a function / plugin that takes a...
Unable to share a detailed repro just yet, but perhaps this will help clarify things? I encountered this problem in a docker image (private to my company as far as...
By the way I can also report that this reproduced with sbt-assembly 2.0.0.
maintainers have indicated a need for a reproducible example. if you have one please share it. (my team has the creation of a mcve for this as a backlog item,...