This PR corrects some MarkDown issues in the readme. Looks good to me.
It might take a few secs to acquire. Does it stay nil, or will it correct after a while? > Op 25 jul. 2017 om 14:46 heeft DenisMashintsev het volgende...
Needs more testing, in combination with other processes there might be an issue. Investigating now.
Did more testing, seems to work fine for me.
for example: if I have this code: ``` .withCallback { [unowned self] (string: String?, error: String?) in DispatchQueue.main.async { if let string = string { self.appendToTextView(string) } if let...
I tried the sample in the repo, same issue. I recompiled the libssh2 to include i386 and all is fine now. I did find some problems when there are multiple...
I'm using the iPad Air 2 (10.0) simulator. It would be nice to include i386 in the library to be able to use SwiftSH in the simulator out-of-the-box.
> I can recompile the library including i386, I excluded it just to speed up the compilation and to reduce the library size. It would be great if you could...