Juan Pablo Prieto
Juan Pablo Prieto
Any update on this? I have this error when doing `Vue.use(VueLazyload)` > Type 'VueLazyloadPluginObject' provides no match for the signature '(Vue: VueConstructor, options?: any): void'.
[Client-side Only] Hi @na86, it does work on Vue. Here's the basics of how I implemented it. (See /components/hello.vue) https://codesandbox.io/s/vue-template-90nzu It seems to behave a bit wonky inside codesanbox.io preview...
@LeoSeyers I'm not sure you can use CommonJS syntax when importing the module. The documentation shows just ES6 module import examples. You could try this. `import locomotiveScroll from 'locomotive-scroll';` `const...
[NUXT.js] @LeoSeyers had to do some trickery to get it to run on Nuxt.js as it expects modules to have SSR support. Here's a working demo with Nuxt.js https://codesandbox.io/s/nuxtjs-locomotive-scroll-t542g **How...